Brother Dave

Raised in a Christian home in America, Brother Dave grew up knowing about Christ, knowing the Bible as the Word of God, and knowing what it meant to have the freedom to worship together as the Body of Christ. What he did not know was that the majority of the world's population does not have this freedom. News of persecution were, to him, isolated incidences of intolerance in other countries.

Through the work of Dr. Pat and Living Stones International (LSI), God began to reveal the plight of the Body of Christ in much of the world. He began to read books about persecution in the Middle East, Africa, China, India, and other countries, and his heart was moved to get involved.

In September of 2016, Brother Dave came on staff full-time with Living Stones International. He began with a trip with Dr. Pat to the Middle East and North Africa. That trip opened his eyes and his heart to the realities of what Christians face in these countries. Since that time, he has been traveling twice a year for almost a month at a time praying with, encouraging, and helping Christians in different countries. His compassion for the Body of Christ around the world has grown deep.

A project manager in the Construction field for many years, Brother Dave has now been in full-time ministry for more than 14 years; first as the State Director for Child Evangelism Fellowship of Minnesota and then moving to LSI to work with the Body of Christ in countries where persecution of Christians is the norm. He also speaks in churches here in America to inform Christians of how they can pray for their brothers and sisters around the world. 

Brother Dave is married to his high school sweetheart, Barb, and together they have four adult children and a growing number of grandchildren.