"In our ministry to the Persecuted Church, we meet with many who have been imprisoned, tortured, and face death simply for standing firm in their faith in Jesus Christ. These brothers and sisters have so much to teach us about perseverance in the midst of suffering, hope for the eternal, and boldness and joy in the face of persecution. God has filled them with joy because they have dedicated themselves totally to His service.
"In all the years that I've traveled to visit and encourage the Persecuted Church, they always ask for the same things. First, for prayer, and second - Bibles! Not once have they asked us to pray that the persecution end, but they ask that we pray they will remain faithful.
"Hebrews 13:3 says, 'Remember those who are in prison as if you were in prison with them, and those who are suffering since you also are in the Body.'
"I encourage you to get to know the Persecuted Church in a very personal way - by meeting those who are persecuted! They are standing in the gap for us, doing the work that we cannot do, which is reaching their fellow countrymen with the Good News about Jesus Christ."
In His Glad Service,
Dr. Pat