Pray that the love and joy they have for Christ will be apparent in all circumstances to those who are persecuting them (Acts 16:25, Luke 6:27-31).
Pray they will see that God’s grace is sufficient and His power is made perfect in their weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9).
Pray for them to trust in God and not themselves (2 Corinthians 1:7-9).
Pray that God would provide for their physical needs (3 John 2).
Pray that God would protect them, according to His will (Matthew 26:39).
Pray that God would ultimately rescue them out of dangerous circumstances (Psalm 91:15).
Pray that they would feel deeply connected to Jesus in their suffering (John 15:19-20).
Pray that as they share in Christ's sufferings, they would be able to rejoice in the hope God offers them (1 Peter 4:12-14).
Pray that they would be completely faithful and surrendered to God's will (Revelation 2:10-11).
Pray that they would have wisdom and discernment for how to approach every situation (Matthew 10:16-18).
Pray for them to proclaim the gospel fearlessly (Ephesians 6:19-20, Acts 20:24).
Pray they maintain hope in their future glory and that they will remember that nothing can separate us from the love of Christ (Romans 8:18-39).
Pray for relief from their struggles and their safety (Romans 15:31-33).