dave's journal 2023

Recently, my wife, Barb, and I had the privilege of visiting Beirut, Lebanon, where we were greeted by two remarkable individuals: my dear friend Tom, and George, whom I had previously only met through Zoom.

George, the Executive Director of the Bible Society of Syria, works tirelessly in war-torn Syria. He is dedicated to spreading the Word of God, and the stories of his experiences have deeply inspired me. When George learned of our visit to Lebanon, he found a way to join us. It was an honor to finally meet this faithful servant of Christ, face-to-face, and the joy that radiated from his smile was contagious! As we embraced, it felt like we were reuniting with a long-lost family member.

Despite the challenging circumstances both men face in their respective countries -- war, earthquakes, economic collapse, dysfunctional governments, and persecution -- our time together was not centered around discussing hardships. Instead, it became a celebration of our shared faith, an opportunity to rejoice in the blessings God had bestowed upon each of us. We truly felt like members of the same Christian family, brought together to revel in God's love.

During our visit, we were blessed with incredible experiences. We met with Jihad, a remarkable saint in Lebanon who introduced us to a refugee family. Witnessing their resilience and faith in the midst of adversity was humbling. It was a blessing to visit the Shepherd School, which is a beacon of hope and education for the refugee children. As if orchestrated by God Himself, we stumbled upon a scenic overlook above Beirut just as a magnificent flock of cranes migrated overhead. In every moment, God's presence was palpable.

Having both Tom and George, and at times, Tom's wife, Annie, by our side made these experiences even more extraordinary. Tom, with his iconic VW (Volkswagen) van from the '70s, is himself a living embodiment of that era. His passion for cycling, spending time with friends, and sharing the love of Jesus with everyone he encounters is infectious. George possesses a gentle spirit and an open invitation for anyone seeking to explore the teachings of the Bible.

Together, these two men have facilitated the shipment and distribution of hundreds of thousands of pieces of Christian literature and Bibles across Arab countries. Through their friendship and collaborative efforts, countless individuals have been touched by the transformative power of God's Word.

Reflecting on this journey, I am once again reminded of the immense responsibility we have as followers of Christ. As I witness God's work unfolding in the lives of individuals like Tom and George, I am humbled and challenged to align my own life with God's plans for me. I encourage you, dear friends, to open your hearts and minds to the stories of God's hand at work in the global Body of Christ. Allow these testimonies to inspire and ignite a deep desire within you to take up your cross and follow closely after Jesus.