a journey of faith and freedom

Printed with permission from Message Magazine of ABWE (Association of Baptists for World Evangelism).

“Follow me, and don’t be afraid,” beckoned a man encompassed in light.

Rashid* startled awake, sensing that the vivid apparition in his dream had been Jesus. As a devout Muslim in a strict Islamic nation, he pondered this strange appearance until his troubled nights brought a second dream of Jesus. This time, Rashid confided in a friend, only to be met with ridicule.

Undaunted, Rashid began diligently studying the Qur’an, finding Jesus described as a highly esteemed prophet. The deeper Rashid studied the Qur’an, however, the more contradictions he found within its text, and he began to doubt his Islamic faith.

With growing conviction that Islam was not the true path, Rashid announced to his parents that he desired to pursue Christianity. Enraged, Rashid’s father beat him, and, as the call to prayer reverberated through the city, he forced him to recite Islamic prayers. Rashid’s wife soon divorced him. When her family threatened to kidnap and kill him for his interest in the Bible, he knew he needed to flee.

Quickly researching nations granting asylum for religious persecution, he boarded a plane for another country and surrendered himself to the authorities upon arrival. His first task at the refugee center was to search for someone who could answer his questions about Jesus. An online search revealed an international church planted by ABWE workers, whom he contacted to arrange a meeting.

The church leaders initially viewed Rashid’s message with caution. Located along the historical fault line between Islam and Christendom, believers in this particular country still feel the rumblings of religious tension. Two ABWE workers and a national pastor prayerfully agreed to talk with him.

“Whatever doubts or suspicions we had about his intentions were quickly eclipsed by Rashid’s great joy and genuine interest,” said B*, an ABWE worker.

As Rashid plied the church leaders with questions, his smile grew larger with each gospel statement.

“Jesus died... for my sins... He is alive now in heaven... yes!” he exclaimed.

Bowing his head, Rashid repented and placed his faith in the Savior for whom he had already suffered. As they rejoiced together, the men asked Rashid how they could help him.

He responded immediately, “I need to be baptized! Can you help me with that?”

God’s plan for Rashid soon became yet more apparent. While visiting the Middle East before this, the wife of one of the ABWE workers had sensed the Lord leading her to get an Arabic Bible, despite her inability to read it. They now presented it to Rashid, who received it with joy, reverently embracing it to his chest.

“God graciously used our little church as a lighthouse for someone seeking Jesus,” concluded B*, “and there is rejoicing in heaven as another sinner has entered the family of God.”

When Rashid lived in his home country, he got to know a woman through Facebook who was going through some of the same difficulties that he was facing. Through God’s miraculous compassion, Rashid was able to play an important role in this woman’s life.

Babiyah*, a 40-year-old woman from an Arabic country, has lived a life marked by hardship, abuse, and profound transformation. Born into a very strict Muslim family, she endured unspeakable suffering at the hands of her father, who began abusing her when she was 20 years old. In a cruel attempt to rid himself of her, he forced her into a marriage with a man who was addicted to drugs and treated her terribly.

Despite the chaos of her life, Babiyah became a mother to a son and a daughter. Her children became her world, and she longed to give them a life better than the one she had. Eventually, she found the strength to divorce her abusive husband, but returning to her father’s house did not bring the relief she had hoped for. Instead, she faced even more severe abuse, hidden from the eyes of the world. Her biggest fear was not for herself, but for her children, whom she wanted to protect from her father’s violence.

Desperate for help, Babiyah turned to the police and filed a complaint. Unfortunately, her pleas went unheard. The laws in many Arabic countries often fail to protect women in situations like hers, leaving many in a cycle of abuse without recourse. This reality left Babiyah feeling hopeless and trapped.

By this time, Rashid had known Babiyah for ten years, having first connected with her through Facebook. Over time, she confided in him, sharing the painful details of her life. They often discussed religion and the mistakes they saw in the Islamic faith. For Babiyah, the cruelty and abuse from her father caused her to develop a deep hatred for Islam.

When Rashid made the difficult decision to flee his own family and seek refuge in another country, Babiyah was the only person he trusted with his whereabouts. She knew everything, and they maintained daily contact. He shared with her the incredible changes in his own life since embracing Christianity, the peace and safety he had found in Jesus, and how his faith had transformed him. Babiyah was captivated by his testimony of freedom and hope, and she began to see Jesus in a new light.

As he continued to tell her about the beauty of Christianity and the love of Christ, Babiyah felt a growing desire for a similar transformation in her own life. She saw the joy and peace that had entered Rashid’s life since coming to this new country, and she wanted the same for herself and her children.

With the support of the local church, Rashid was able to help Babiyah escape her dire situation. It wasn’t easy, but her courage and determination were unwavering. Today, she and her children are free and safe, living as Christians. Babiyah has embraced her new faith with an open heart, finding peace and strength in her relationship with Jesus.

In a beautiful twist of fate, their shared experiences and faith brought Babiyah and Rashid closer than ever. Today, they are married, united not only by their love for each other but also by their shared journey of faith. Babiyah is proof that no matter how dark one’s past may be, there is always a path to a brighter future in Jesus Christ.

Please pray for this dear family as they grow in their faith and seek community as refugees in another country.

*not their real names