ahmed m "which way should i take?"

For new Believers who have recently left Islam, life presents many difficulties. They must decide how to live out their new faith in Jesus Christ among friends and family who believe they are Muslim. Ahmed M is one such recent Believer and he needs your prayers. 

Ahmed is a 48-year-old man. He was a religious Muslim, until this past year! Our dear friend Brother S recently shared how this came about. Here it is in his words:

While hanging out with the prayer team in a park near the sea, we fortuitously met Ahmed. While talking, we got to know each other more. Then I started to meet with him weekly. After we had met several times, I thanked God for giving me the opportunity to give him a Holy Bible. I shared with him how the creation started, and that the eternal way, truth, and life is only through Jesus.

After 5 weeks, Ahmed and I were in a public square here in my city, a square that has many roads connected to it, and he said to me, “I have no idea which way I should take….” And I asked him to pray to God about it. Ahmed spent that week praying to God to guide him truthfully and righteously.

When we next met, Ahmed burst into tears saying: "God showed me the truth, and God told me that the Holy Bible is the Word of God!!! And that the God of the Bible is the True and Eternal God!!!" I asked him if he was sure, and if he was ready and willing to surrender his life to Jesus? And he said “YES!!!” And indeed, we prayed the prayer of redemption, and he gave his life to Jesus, and confessed that he was a sinner and that he wanted to follow Jesus all his life!

Then I asked Ahmed how old he was, and he answered 48 years old. I told him: "48 years in the flesh, but today, is your first day in your new life, today you are born again in Jesus Christ!”

I made sure he understood that the road with Jesus Christ does not have a carpet filled with flowers ready for him to walk on, but the road will be filled with challenges, problems, prison, and persecution. He answered happily, "I am ready to follow Jesus Christ, and give my life eternally to Jesus, despite all the challenges I might face!"

Without realizing it, after we finished praying, we started to hug cheerfully and happily together. We forgot about the restrictions given by our government to protect us from Covid-19, which prohibits us from hugging and any other physical greetings. Despite that, we hugged and prayed and were filled with joy and happiness.

I kept repeating chapter 15 of Luke, verse 7: "Just so, I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents…."

Brother Ahmed still wears the Islamic Jilbab (traditional dress), still lives with his religious Muslim family, and lives among an Islamic Society! He will face a lot of problems, so pray for Brother Ahmed, that God will fill him with His wisdom and patience during that journey. Pray for wisdom and patience and a secure faith for Brother Ahmed, so he can be a blessing to everyone he meets!