Aiden, Faithful servant

Aiden is a 74-year-old farmer. He has been a Believer in Jesus Christ for more than 30 years. He was first introduced to the Gospel through a radio program. Today he lives in a mountain village in rural Morocco. 

He is a true Believer in Christ and his family bears witness to the depth of his faith. It is not always easy being a Christian in a small village. Though most of the community is Muslim, Aiden is still respected by many. He does not hesitate to share his faith with all who ask.

Our dear friend, Brother ‘S’, stays in contact with Aiden, and over the last two to three years he has noticed that Aiden’s eyes were getting weak; he was gradually losing his sight. Living Stones was able to pay for Aiden to visit an optometrist, and for him to get medical treatment and receive glasses. What a blessing for Aiden to be able to see clearly again!


Please be in prayer for the challenges that Aiden faces and pray for the needs of his family. Aiden had not been able to work because of his eyesight, perhaps now he will be able to return to farming. Through all of this, his faith in God as his provider has remained strong.