blind woman of sudan

Her name is Akoe Deng, she is one of more than 5 million refugees from Sudan who have fled to Egypt due to persecution and war within their own country. She has been completely blind for many years because of an illness she suffered when she was young.

When our contact, Emily, first met Akoe two years ago, they brought her to a doctor to see if there was anything that could be done for her blindness. The doctor said there was no hope for her to regain her vision. He also said that, sadly, just one tablet given when she was ill would have prevented her from becoming blind. Akoe broke down crying in the doctor’s office, she said, “I want to be able to see where I am going!”

For two years, Emily has been faithfully visiting Akoe. Within that first year, Akoe became a Believer! Christ became the light in her dark world, the true Light in her heart. However, there is more to her story. You see, due to her blindness, she is dependent upon other refugees for everything. During these two years, Akoe has been moved from family to family. Due to the lack of food, clothing, and other resources, it is difficult for families to take on additional responsibilities.

In spite of these many difficulties, God has used Akoe in amazing ways. Each family that has sheltered Akoe during the past year and a half has heard about Jesus and has seen the Light that shines from her. Emily has visited every home Akoe has lived in and together, they have shared the Gospel with each family. Many Sudanese have heard about the love of Jesus Christ because of their willingness to provide shelter to the blind woman from Sudan.