"john" the baptist

Eight years ago, "John" was a radical Muslim wavering between Sunni and Shiite Islam. Yet, he was also earnestly searching for the real, living God. One night, he had a dream in which Jesus Christ revealed Himself, after which John committed his life to following Christ and becoming a Muslim Background Believer (MBB). It is interesting and awesome to note that as many as 75% of MBB’s learn about and begin following Jesus through dreams.

There was no Christian evangelist involved in John’s life at this point. In fact, if an evangelist had approached John before his conversion, John might have killed him. John visited a church and was surprised when he saw how kind and caring the Christians were. He had been taught they were evil and were living selfish, destructive lives.

John was the first in his nuclear family to become a Christian, followed by his wife and eventually their two children. Recently, his son had to have surgery, and while still groggy from the anesthetic, called out “Jesus, help me!” before losing consciousness again. His faith is a testament to his parents who are diligently instructing the children in the Christian faith.

Eventually, the police came to their home, found Christian materials, and arrested John. He was accused of leaving Islam, effectively saying he is a traitor to Islam, a crime punishable by death according to the Qur’an. He was kept in prison for four months, and after his release, was rearrested for 3 days. He had been tortured so badly that he still cannot talk about the abuse he suffered. He now is under medical care and taking medications to help him cope with the nightmares caused by his trauma.

This family is very poor. John had to borrow money from his Muslim brother to pay for his son’s surgery and other expenses. Now his brother is demanding the money back and is accusing John of being poor and having troubles because he became a Christian. Living Stones has provided the funds for these expenses, hoping to encourage and bring peace to this family.

Please pray for this family, that they will remain strong in their faith and that doors will open for them to earn a living and be safe from their Muslim relatives. Pray for God to heal, protect and provide for them.