New challenges for Kade

Kade* is 23 years old and was raised in a Muslim home. He is a law student at the University, and in his studies, he took a philosophy class which included a study of religion. He decided to check out the differences between what Muslims and Christians believe.

He started reading the Bible and became very impressed with the teachings of Jesus. As he continued to study, he accepted that Jesus is more than a prophet -- that He is God. Eventually, Kade became a Christian. This created problems when he tried to discuss this with his Muslim family, but he felt they still had a good relationship at that time.

He started to share with other students and friends, and found they were open to hearing about Christianity. They began asking questions about the Bible and baptism and were seeking for more information online. Kade began leading a small group, and is now involved with sharing his faith on social media -- Facebook, Instagram, and Tik-Tok. When he realized their group was being watched on campus and by neighbors, they started to meet more discreetly.

Recently, his family told him, “There is not enough room for two religions in the same house.” So Kade had to rent his own apartment.

Pray for Kade, as it is difficult to be separated from his family. Pray for wisdom and protection for Kade and pray for his family, that they will be open to the Gospel. Pray for revival in Kade's country, and that many more University students and people of all ages will come to know Jesus.

*not his real name