omad's story

This past overseas trip made me realize the value of telling your faith story. As we met with many persecuted brothers and sisters, I sat with my notebook, trying to write it all down. Each person was so eager to share how they came to know Jesus and how much their life had changed. I saw the passion, excitement, and joy as they shared. They could not keep it inside! It was worth whatever risk they might have to take. They wanted everyone to know that Jesus is the true God, and we can know Him!

On our recent trip in North Africa, we met “Omad” over a delicious meal in an upstairs room of a restaurant. He started smiling as he shared his story.

Being raised as a Muslim, he was seeking to know more about God. Then he had a dream, and in this dream, he saw a man surrounded by a bright light and a cross. He kept dreaming the same dream. This really confused him, and he started searching to find out who was this man. He went to see the Imam at the mosque to ask if he could tell him the meaning of his dream, but he had no answer.

Then he met someone from the U.S., who told him he should search on Google. So, he did a Google search and Google replied, “This is Jesus.” (Wow!)

So he continued to search online to learn more about Jesus and Christianity. Through an online chatroom, he met another brother. Eventually they arranged to meet at a coffee shop, where they shared together, and Omad was able to get a Bible. One verse that really spoke to him was Matt. 16:26, “And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul?”

He accepted Jesus and his whole life changed! Now he has a purpose and goals! A good friend of his noticed the change in him, and as Omad shared with him, his friend also accepted Christ. Now, Omad is part of a house church with several others.

Even though he faces persecution for standing for Christ, when we asked him how we could pray for him, he said, “Pray that I have more opportunities to share about Jesus.”

One verse that keeps popping in my head is Acts 1:8, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere.…”

This verse is so true for the many Believers we met. As we listened to their stories, we heard how they were seeking for God, having dreams and visions, and searching continuously to understand the truth. Once they accepted Jesus, they were radically saved, and their lives completely changed. Now they are filled with the Holy Spirit and their only passion is to share Jesus!

Let’s pray for Omad and all the Believers in persecuted places, for more opportunities to share Jesus and that many will come to know Him through their witness.

Let’s pray that the Holy Spirit will fall afresh on us, too, so we will receive His power to be His witnesses and share our stories with everyone we meet.